Last weekend, we took our Young Women to Portland, OR for a memorable retreat! We started our trip by river rafting down the Deschutes River! It was so fun! Most of the girls had never gone before and a guy in our ward volunteered, along with his dad, to take the 18 girls and leaders! We made it down and only me and another girl got thrown out! It took me a while to get back to the raft--my bum hit a few rocks but other than that, it was AWESOME! We then traveled to Portland to a fabulous hotel right down the street from the temple, ate pizza, swam and had an amazing devotional! The next morning we did baptisms for the dead and started to make our trip home! We made so many memories, laughed a TON and our testimonies were strengthened! I would do it all over again!
My dear hubby stayed behind and took care of the kiddies and I love him for that huge sacrifice! He would have loved to come along! We are still on a high and I know the Young Women (and leaders) will never forget that experience!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yes, it has been six months and I will admit, for those that care, that I have been a slacker! Updating my blog has been low on the priority list so I thought I better up my game if I want to feel on top of things! So here's a brief "catch up!"
February: I started babysitting for a wonderful teacher's kids at Taylor and Logan's school. She was in a bind and it has worked out so well! I babysit Ashley (3) and Tiffany (1). They are so darling and a joy to have in my house! I have never been a daycare person but it sure keeps Sadie and Megan occupied!!
March: I took the kids to Sacramento at the end of March, beginning of April. My brother lives there and my sister drove up from So. Cal, accompanied by mom. It was a whirlwind weekend but my kids are still talking about it!
April: The boys went to Arizona to spend a week with Grandma, Amy w/ her fam, Hillary w/ her fam and Hailey and her fam. They had a blast and came home suntanned and exhausted! That means for a good vacation. Sadie also had a surgery and Seattle Children's Hospital to fix her herneated belly button. I didn't like her being put "under" but she did great!
May: Jen and I met at Women's Conference in Utah and had a blast being together again, uplifted and spiritually edified! I also reunited with my old roomies-how I love that we can just pick up where we left off....we all have lots more kids but still felt 19 again! I also met Sister Dalton and she gave our Young Women a special assignment as we're working on Virtue together! I love that woman!
Now that takes us swiftly to June where we are in full swing of summer! Taylor just ran a marathon, and is now mowing lawns to save for his mission. Logan came down wrong on a trampoline and shifted his growth plate. Cast comes off the 18th. Megan is as fiesty as ever--I pray for patience daily/hourly. Sadie is hilarious--she's convinced a boy in our ward is Troy Bolton and gets so shy and giddy when she sees him. I love these kids! They're the best!
February: I started babysitting for a wonderful teacher's kids at Taylor and Logan's school. She was in a bind and it has worked out so well! I babysit Ashley (3) and Tiffany (1). They are so darling and a joy to have in my house! I have never been a daycare person but it sure keeps Sadie and Megan occupied!!
March: I took the kids to Sacramento at the end of March, beginning of April. My brother lives there and my sister drove up from So. Cal, accompanied by mom. It was a whirlwind weekend but my kids are still talking about it!
April: The boys went to Arizona to spend a week with Grandma, Amy w/ her fam, Hillary w/ her fam and Hailey and her fam. They had a blast and came home suntanned and exhausted! That means for a good vacation. Sadie also had a surgery and Seattle Children's Hospital to fix her herneated belly button. I didn't like her being put "under" but she did great!
May: Jen and I met at Women's Conference in Utah and had a blast being together again, uplifted and spiritually edified! I also reunited with my old roomies-how I love that we can just pick up where we left off....we all have lots more kids but still felt 19 again! I also met Sister Dalton and she gave our Young Women a special assignment as we're working on Virtue together! I love that woman!
Now that takes us swiftly to June where we are in full swing of summer! Taylor just ran a marathon, and is now mowing lawns to save for his mission. Logan came down wrong on a trampoline and shifted his growth plate. Cast comes off the 18th. Megan is as fiesty as ever--I pray for patience daily/hourly. Sadie is hilarious--she's convinced a boy in our ward is Troy Bolton and gets so shy and giddy when she sees him. I love these kids! They're the best!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Happy New Year!!!
I am hoping all of my blogger friends have survived the holidays and had a fun time! Our check book is recovering as well as my sanity! We had such a fun Christmas at our house--we broke down and got a Wii this year and the kids have had a blast playing it! We were kind of bummed that, because of the snowstorms, we weren't able to make it to Idaho (we sat in the car for 12 hours, only to end up back at home). But we tried our best to keep the kids happy by swimming (at a hotel) and sledding (you'll see Taylor's black eye!) Things are back under control now and we're looking forward to summer already!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
'Tis the Season!
Happy Holidays! The Randall clan is doing fantastic this time of year! We are so excited to celebrate Christmas and we think it will be a Merry one this year! We have so much to be grateful for-health, warm home, food and all those things that keep us humble, right? We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween Hoopla....
What a fun weekend we had! Well, for the kids, at least! Halloween is one of my dreaded holidays because it takes a little time to gather costumes and make everyone happy-all for the purpose of tons of Halloween candy and sugar highs/lows. But it's a great introduction to the other holidays, which I love and look forward to! The kids got all dressed up to visit some friends and visiting teaching people, then we headed to the Church Trunk-or-Treat, followed by more trick or treating around the neighborhood! They had a blast and it was fun to see Sadie's brain registering that if she smiled and held her bag out, people would fill it with candy! It was fun but I'm so glad it's over! On to the turkey and Christmas presents!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Beginning of the Holidays!!
I suppose it's time for another post! I am determined to find out how to put a playlist of songs to play so you won't get bored while reading! Here's an update! I went to Seattle to meet my in laws for a girl's trip! My mother-in-law treated us to a night at Phantom of the Opera! I've never been and all I can say is "Magical!" She then gave us each $500 to spend on clothes for ourselves! I had a hard time spending the money at first and then it all of a sudden got easier and easier :)! I am so grateful for family both my side and the in laws! They're all wonderful people! It was so fun to get away for a couple of days and get a break! But now I'm in reality again but refreshed and rejuvenated!
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Logan's field trip to the fair!
We got to wonderful opportunity to chase around 1st graders in 90 degree heat!
This is the new "time out" spot!
My favorite things
- Hanging out with my kids
- Excercising-it's my cheap therapy bill
- Watching a good show on TV with Vaughn
- Painting my toenails and adding the cute flowers and rhinestones!
- Serving the Young Women in my ward-I love them!
- Having my girls' nights out-I have some awesome friends!
- "Escaping" into a great novel-when, and if I have time!
Our trip to Idaho for Labor Day

We decided to make a trip to Idaho to see family and we had a blast! The kids (also Vaughn) got their horseback riding in!
The Dreaded, but good, Family Pictures

Talk about precious cargo.....
The Fam in Blackfoot

We were soooo hot waiting for the parade to start-pre Idaho state fair kickoff
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

Megan is petrified of this lady's dog and Sadie LOVES doggies! They both managed to pet the dog!
Mom's visit

My mom visited us the middle of August and we had a great time (other than our air conditioner broke and it was like 102 degrees!)
The Fam

Blog Archive
About Me
Old Man Jenkins
For all of you SpongeBob lovers....Taylor's costume was a hit!
Logan the Ninja
He loved his costume and had to have it perfect-my little OCD child!
Our beautiful Sleeping Beauty
She literally wore this dress since the minute she woke up! She had been waiting so patiently for this day!
Sadie is a fairy princess
She had no idea what she was in for...
Sadie is 2!
We can't believe our little baby is 2 now! She had a GREAT day and Megan had a hayday with all of Sadie's new toys!
One happy little girl
Sadie was so happy from morning till night-she gobbled up her cake like nobody's business (just like mom)
The RandallRileys
These kids love each so much! It's lame they're moving soon....
I love the youth!
I'm pretty sure our cute youth just reminded us of the love and affection they have for us!